3d render of modern office interior

Virtual Office Space And Virtual Meeting Rooms


Prime Business Address

Get a business address that you can use on your business cards and website

Live Receptionist

A professional voice with a personal touch

Live Web Chat

Friendly and professional people trained on your business

Book Meeting Spaces

Thousands of fully equipped meeting rooms and conference rooms

Frequently Asked Questions

What Is a Virtual Office Space?


The address of your business can say a lot about you and your company. A clothing company, for example, with an office on Avenue des Champs-Élysées in Paris or Fifth Avenue in New York helps elevate its brand. A virtual office space can give you that office location on a major street in a major city, even while you’re working remotely thousands of miles away.


A virtual office lets you work anywhere while still having the benefits of a professional mailing address.


How Do I Create a Virtual Office?


With Mac Productions, it’s easy to create a virtual office. Once you decide on one of our thousands of locations around the world, you can select any additional services you would like for your virtual office. At that point, you only need to log on to your Virtual Office account and finalize your payment.


When the payment is processed, a customer service representative will reach out to you and help you complete the remaining forms. You will have access to your address in as little as two business days after we have received your notarized documents.


How Much Does a Virtual Business Address Cost?


A virtual business address is as affordable as $49 a month. Depending on the location, there may be additional fees for optional office services like mail forwarding and a one-time setup fee.


What Are the Benefits of a Virtual Office?


A virtual office gives your company a professional business location to do business from while allowing all employees to work remotely. It gives you the benefits of a physical office location without any of the headaches of managing or maintaining an actual office space.


How Does a Virtual Office Work?


A virtual office provides you with a virtual environment to get work done remotely. As part of a virtual office with Mac Productions, you are able to buy the use of a physical location.


While your work is all done remotely, the physical address gives you a physical location for letters and packages to be sent to and gives you the chance for more privacy and a professional business image.


Does My Virtual Business Address Include a Phone Number?


No, but it is included with your FREE website.


If you would like to use a unique phone number for your business we offer Vanity phone numbers with our FREE website service.  Contact us for number availability.


How Do I Register an LLC With a Virtual Business Address?


You register an LLC with a virtual business address the same way you would register with a normal address. Once you have purchased your virtual business address, you can use it in any registration, licensing, or certification that requires a physical address.

“Tuum negotium est passion.  Negotium, et vestram libidinem noster”